As an active, former or retired commissioned or warrant officer of the seven uniformed services of the United States, you are cordially invited to participate in the various activities of our chapter of the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA). Our local chapter has approximately 80 members, and provides the opportunity to meet others in the Village with similar backgrounds and interests. Our members are kept informed on new developments affecting the military as well as pending legislation impacting active, veterans and retiree affairs. We are encouraged to communicate with our congressional representatives to make our concerns known.
The HSV MOAA conducts regularly scheduled activities throughout the year. Spouses and guests are always welcome.
The chapter has provided over $3,000 to the Arkansas Freedom Fund, an organization providing support to Arkansas Wounded Warriors. The chapter annually awards a $1,000 scholarship to a member of the Naval Junior ROTC at the Hot Springs High School and supports numerous other activities in the local community.
We hope you will consider joining us in fellowship that has always been a mark of the profession of arms.
We look forward to you joining us.